February 18, 2025

What is AWS CLI (Command Line Interface)?


The AWS CLI (Command Line Interface) is a unified tool provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to interact with AWS services using commands in your command-line shell. It enables you to manage AWS resources and automate various tasks directly from the command line, offering an alternative to the AWS Management Console for users who prefer text-based interaction or need to script and automate workflows.

Key Features of AWS CLI

  1. Unified Tool for Multiple AWS Services:
    • The AWS CLI provides a single, consistent interface to interact with a wide range of AWS services. You can perform tasks such as managing EC2 instances, configuring S3 buckets, deploying CloudFormation stacks, and much more.
  2. Cross-Platform Support:
    • The AWS CLI is available for multiple operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows. It can be used on local machines, EC2 instances, or any environment that supports a command-line interface.
  3. Automation and Scripting:
    • The AWS CLI is ideal for automating tasks and workflows. You can create scripts to automate repetitive tasks, such as starting or stopping instances, creating backups, or deploying resources.
  4. AWS SDK Integration:
    • The AWS CLI is built on top of the AWS SDK for Python (Boto3), which means it has access to the full range of AWS APIs. This allows the CLI to support the latest AWS services and features as soon as they are available.
  5. Configuration and Credential Management:
    • The AWS CLI allows you to configure multiple profiles with different sets of credentials and region settings. This is useful for managing access to multiple AWS accounts or regions from a single machine.
  6. JSON, YAML, and Table Output Formats:
    • AWS CLI commands can return output in different formats, including JSON, YAML, and table formats. This flexibility allows you to choose the format that best suits your needs, whether you’re processing the output in a script or viewing it in a human-readable format.
  7. Pagination Support:
    • When dealing with large datasets, the AWS CLI provides built-in pagination support to handle and navigate through large lists of resources without overwhelming your terminal.
  8. Interactive Mode:
    • The AWS CLI offers an interactive mode, which provides command completion and context-sensitive help. This is especially useful for users who are new to the CLI or need assistance in constructing commands.

Common Use Cases for AWS CLI

  1. Resource Management:
    • Use the AWS CLI to manage AWS resources, such as creating and managing EC2 instances, S3 buckets, RDS databases, and more. Commands can be run interactively or scripted for automation.
  2. Automation of Routine Tasks:
    • Automate routine tasks like backups, scaling, and deployments using the AWS CLI. For example, you can write scripts to snapshot EBS volumes, copy data between S3 buckets, or launch EC2 instances based on predefined criteria.
  3. CI/CD Pipelines:
    • Integrate the AWS CLI into continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to automate the deployment of applications and infrastructure. You can use the CLI to deploy CloudFormation stacks, push changes to CodeCommit, or trigger CodePipeline actions.
  4. Data Transfer:
    • Transfer large amounts of data between your local environment and AWS services like S3, Glacier, or EC2 using the CLI. The aws s3 sync command, for example, allows for efficient data synchronization between local directories and S3 buckets.
  5. Monitoring and Troubleshooting:
    • Query and analyze CloudWatch logs, inspect resource configurations, and retrieve metrics using the CLI. This can be part of automated monitoring scripts or ad-hoc troubleshooting sessions.
  6. Multi-Account and Multi-Region Management:
    • Manage resources across multiple AWS accounts and regions by configuring different profiles in the AWS CLI. This allows centralized management and automation of resources across various environments.

Installing and Configuring AWS CLI


  1. On Windows:
    • Download the Windows installer from the AWS CLI Installation Page.
    • Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
  2. On macOS:
    • Install via Homebrew:

      brew install awscli

      • On Linux:
        • Use a package manager (like apt, yum, or dnf) or install via the official installer script:

          curl "https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip" -o "awscliv2.zip"
          unzip awscliv2.zip
          sudo ./aws/install


          1. Initial Configuration:
            • Run the following command to configure your AWS CLI with credentials and default settings:

              aws configure

                  • You will be prompted to enter your AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, default region, and output format.
                • Configuration Profiles:
                    • You can set up multiple profiles with different credentials and region settings. To create a new profile:

                  aws configure --profile myprofile

                • Use the --profile flag to specify a profile when running commands:

              aws s3 ls --profile myprofile

            • Common AWS CLI Commands

              Here are some examples of frequently used AWS CLI commands:

              1. EC2:
                • Launch a new EC2 instance:

                  aws ec2 run-instances --image-id ami-0c55b159cbfafe1f0 --instance-type t2.micro --key-name MyKeyPair --security-group-ids sg-0123456789abcdef0

                  List all EC2 instances:


                  aws ec2 describe-instances

                  Stop an EC2 instance:


                  aws ec2 stop-instances --instance-ids i-0123456789abcdef0

                • 2. S3:
                  • List all S3 buckets:

                    aws s3 ls

                    Upload a file to an S3 bucket:


                    aws s3 cp myfile.txt s3://mybucket/


                  • Sync a local directory with an S3 bucket:

                    aws s3 sync ./localdir s3://mybucket/

                  • 3. IAM:
                    • Create a new IAM user:

                      aws iam create-user --user-name newuser

                      Attach a policy to an IAM user:


                      aws iam attach-user-policy --user-name newuser --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess



          • Create a new CloudFormation stack:

            aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name mystack --template-body file://template.yaml

            Delete a CloudFormation stack:


            aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name mystack


            • Invoke a Lambda function:
              bashaws lambda invoke --function-name myfunction --payload '{"key": "value"}' output.json

              List all Lambda functions:

              bashaws lambda list-functions

              Best Practices for Using AWS CLI

              1. Use IAM Roles for EC2 Instances:
                • When running the AWS CLI on EC2 instances, use IAM roles rather than hardcoding access keys. This improves security and simplifies credential management.
              2. Secure Your Credentials:
                • Store your AWS CLI credentials securely. Avoid sharing or embedding them in scripts or repositories. Use AWS Secrets Manager or environment variables to manage credentials securely.
              3. Automate with Scripts:
                • Write shell scripts or batch files to automate repetitive tasks using the AWS CLI. This saves time and reduces the risk of manual errors.
              4. Leverage Output Formatting:
                • Use JSON or YAML output formats when you need to process command results programmatically. Use the table format for human-readable outputs in the terminal.
              5. Test with Dry Run:
                • Use the --dry-run option (when available) to test commands without actually executing them. This is useful for verifying that your commands will work as expected.
              6. Keep the CLI Updated:
                • Regularly update the AWS CLI to the latest version to benefit from new features, services, and security improvements.
              7. Enable Command Completion:
                • Set up command completion in your shell (e.g., Bash or Zsh) to make it easier to use the AWS CLI and reduce the chances of typing errors.

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